Half Baked

Half Baked explores ideas about our favourite weed.

  1. are stoners actually lazy? science says, no!

    A sparkly new study (Skumlien, 2023) probed the relationship between cannabis use and reward processing mechanisms like apathy and anhedonia. 
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  2. a brief history of jazz

    Jazz, born in the early 20th century, became a cultural movement that challenged conventions and embraced improvisation. It provided a platform for African American musicians to express their unique voices and break free from societal constraints. In this vibrant atmosphere, cannabis found its place as a companion to the musicians, enhancing their creative energy and transcending boundaries.


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  3. can weed make you a nicer person? science says, yes!

    Recent scientific research suggests that cannabis might have a more profound impact on our social and psychological lives than we've previously thought. Specifically, a study 2022 from Vigil et al. delved into how cannabis influences our levels of prosociality— a term for behaviours that benefit others. 
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