• Sackville & Co Signature Grinder
  • Sackville & Co Signature Grinder
  • Sackville & Co Signature Grinder
  • Sackville & Co Signature Grinder

Sackville & Co Signature Grinder

Step up your prep with the Signature Grinder by Sackville and Co, available in black, silver, or gold. 


  • Four-Tier Design: Segmented into four tiers, it includes a layer for ground flower and another, bottom layer to collect the kief. 

  • Teeth that Bite: Diamond-sharp teeth ensure that your herbs are ground to the perfect consistency, maximising potency and flavour.

  • 3 Finishes: Choose from a black, gold or a silver finish.

Combat the grind, with a grinder that works as hard as you. 

Regular price $70.00 AUD